Saturday, July 11, 2015

Unit 8 - Central Force Particle Model

We started with a demonstration of a flying pig on a string.  We were asked to draw a schema and a force diagram and answer the following questions:  If the speed is constant, then is the velocity constant and is the acceleration constant?  We noticed through much discussion that the force was always towards the center and if there is an unbalanced force inward toward the center of the circle, then the acceleration is pointing toward the center of the circle as well.  Centrifugal is not a physics term.  The correct term is centripetal.  What we think of as centrifugal is just inertia. 

We then did some Worksheet examples where a cart was going up a hill and another problem where the cart was going down a hill.  We had to draw velocity and acceleration arrows on the motion map for the cart.  We noticed that as it went down and then back up this was like the elevator going down and slowing to a stop, and when you went to the top of the hill this was like the elevator going up and slowing to a stop at the top. 

This was discussed the final day of class and so there was not much class time given to this unit. 

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